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Walvoil 48058717 Hydraulic Valve for Case IH Farmall Tractor 100C 105A
$863.95 $1,099.00
Warner Linear K2G20-24V-BR-06 Actuator Altra B-Track K2 24V DC 6in 6"
$556.95 $885.00
Warren Valve 6155FS-TR Flanged Ball 3in 3" Full Port Carbon Stainless
$287.95 $585.00
Watson McDaniel HD-15-N Main Valve BHD-15-S00 HD 1-1/4" Pressure Reduc
$632.99 $885.00
Watts 0298577 Pressure Regulator Valve 1 1/2 LF223-S LF223S 25-75 PSI
$767.99 $1,485.00
Watts 0298585 2 LF223 Pressure Reducing Valve Regulator 2in 2" Water
$919.99 $3,085.00
Watts 0298607 Water Pressure Reducing Valve LFN223M2-B-HP 2-1/2 2.5"
$1,017.95 $8,500.00
Watts 0830910 Pressure Regulator Valve 1/2 152A 10-50 Steam Reducing
$431.99 $755.00
Watts LFN223M2-B 2 1/2 Water Pressure Reducing Valve 0298602 2-1/2"
$1,967.95 $2,885.00
Waukesha 1030-021K-V1 Contact Kit UZD 33 Position Load Tap Changer LTC
$11,135.95 $13,585.00
WEG 00158OT3H145T-S Motor 1-1/2 HP General Purpose 1760RPM 575v 33HN93
$95.99 $318.00
Wilkins ZW4004ILG Fire Sprinkler Valve Zurn ZW4004 2 1/2" 2.5 Groove
$122.99 $885.00
Wirtgen 2371549 Hydraulic Pump Cold Milling Machine 2172500 W250 W220
$4,799.95 $5,765.00
Witt 08216100 Refrigeration Motor Carrier 56H8O15501A Condenser Fan
$1,420.95 $2,585.00
Woods 1032297 Gearbox Rotary Cutter Batwing BW15LH Hay Mower 1:1.5 90H
$815.95 $1,255.00
XO XOC24SMUA Under Cabinet Range Hood Slide Out Glide XOC24SC 24" 24in
$373.99 $655.00
Yaskawa SGMG-20A2AAB AC Servo Motor SGMG 2.7 HP 2.0 kW 1500 RPM 200V
$1,439.95 $2,785.00
Yaskawa SGMGH-05DCA6H Servo Motor 400V 1.9A 450W 1500RPM Brake R88M-
$958.99 $3,285.00
York 024-31939-002 Motor 02431939002 Century 7-193549-01 S1-024-24121-
$671.95 $1,285.00
York 02435705005 Motor S1-02435705005 Coleman MOT12291 5SME39NXL070
$371.99 $585.00